Sunday, May 27, 2012

Beacon Hill Art Walk & Memory Lane

Visit me in my home neighborhood, Beacon Hill, Boston next Sunday June 3rd for the annual art walk. Residents are kind enough to open their patios and courtyards to give visitors a dynamic viewing experience rich with visual art and historic neighborhood beauty. More information here.

Today I ventured to my parents' house to gather some pieces my mother thought should be available at the art walk. Though I'm not psyched to be showing current work and old work together, I do think the variety should give my area appeal. I discovered some oldies I had forgotten about. I found some worthy drawings in old sketchbooks: 
Portrait of a Girl 2005ish
I also found some pieces that were just plain embarrassing:
They Don't Give a F*** About Us 2001ish?
But even those show a creative experimentation I fear I've lost. Back in the days before overpriced rent and a full time job, it seemed much easier to get my hands dirty. I will attempt to draw more in the future if I can't paint (because of [lack of] apartment size and aversion to the potential mess I would have to live with for weeks on end). Mixed media on paper was the obsession that fueled my ultimate decision to go to college and continue to study art, and revisiting some of my old work has reminded me of that.

I even found a piece or two I don't even remember making (abandoned halfway through-- I must not have been into it) and some pieces abandoned halfway through that I wish were complete. I saw things show promise that I had disregarded at the time I was making them, and consequently disregarded some things I had thought were the bee's knees. Memory lane can be interesting.

My favorite discovery? All the drawings given to me by children I had stored tightly in my first "completed" sketchbook. Children's art is so telling! I just love every single one. Pics and more reading to follow.

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