I visited a few of the SoWa galleries today. I can't believe I've never been there before. (Only once, 2 years ago, unknowingly, for the most amazing show of Artist's Books I've seen and probably will ever see). Surprisingly, it was nearly deserted! A friend and I popped into the studios first but only a few were open. I'm going to try to go to the first friday event next week. Gallery Kayafas has a really great photography exhibit by Aaron Siskind. I'm generally not very enthusiastic about photography but these photos were of my favorite kind-- found compositions from urban or natural places, interestingly cropped with the camera (one has this band of sky only about one inch tall at the top of the piece with something like nuts & bolts edging into it). Unfortunately the images on the website are cropped but in person they are huge and lovely. Kingston Gallery's current exhibition is to die for-- we walked in and my friend said, "Kaylie this is so you!" Some of the palettes from Liza Bingham's paintings mocked my own, or perhaps the other way around. The work was mostly smaller in scale but we could have probably spent all day in there. The woman behind the desk was very nice too. That always helps (especially on a day when the area in general is somehow deserted and uncomfortably quiet). I loved Hannah Bureau's work and Ruth Daniels' Bound was amazing. Forgive me for not having the energy to give a proper art-school analysis of the work, ("but why do you like it" was a joke we carried throughout the gallery), I'm tired, and for now, I just liked it. Sometimes it takes a week or two to hit me (the why). I wasn't nuts about OH+T's current exhibit but I think it had to do with the curating-- I have something against works on paper, white paper, hanged on white walls. Ick. It looked clean and I'm sure that's what they were going for, and not that my opinion holds very much weight, but still, ick. The work was technical and tedious but well done and interesting for its subtle and many variations. I enjoyed Julie Vinette's exhibit Between the Lines at Bromfield Gallery. Truce and Cry Uncle were strong because of the mirrored pieces (stickers) that made the pieces seem to shift as you moved around the room, I kind of felt like it was watching me... hmm.
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