I know I mentioned that I might be describing my lack of gallery experience here on my blog, but I lied, temporarily. On February 19, 2009 Art:Raw Gallery NYC will open its doors for the first time presenting its Inaugural Exhibit! I read that over 300 artists have been selected to show (I don't know how it's possible to fit all that in what is probably a tiny gallery, but I'm supportive) and I'm one of them! Primarily I work with paint, but the three (yes, three!) pieces I'm showing are monotypes made at the lovely MassArt printmaking studio. Here they are for your enjoyment (I hope):

From what I've read, opening night is going to be outrageous, but I don't really know what to expect. All I'm hopeful for are red stickers next to my pieces.
The (awfully written) press release is here.
Something sketchy: How can the gallery have accepted works from over 300 artists, most of which have multiples (the prospectus invited up to three images and our acceptance letters allow us to mail up to 4) yet "The gallery received nearly 25,000 entries and approximately 300 works were selected for the exhibition" ... It should really be closer to 900 works. Please let it be a typo and not some poorly (or masterfully?) calculated scam.
Am I being entirely pessimistic? This is my first show in New York, and I haven't even graduated college yet! Somehow, the combination of a gallery with absolutely no reputation hosting a show that I will be sharing with "299+" other artists doesn't exactly have me tooting my own horn. But it's something, and I promise, I really am excited for my weekend in NYC.
In any case, feel free to watch the chaos. Opening night streams live here. Tune in on the 19th from 6-9. My mom is going to watch, too. :)
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